Sunday 29 January 2012

Edith Cavill Stream

Edith Cavill Stream                 Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada, 2009

The road back from Mount Edith Cavill & Angel Glacier, along the Athabasca river, was peppered with wildflowers.  When we found an area to pull over safely I decamped to grab some shots of them and noticed this stream.  The water was crystal clear and the rocks had amazing colour.

Mt Edith Cavill was named after Edith Cavill, an English nurse who was captured and executed by the Nazis for assisting allied soldiers in their escape from occupied Belgium.  There was a placard with information and details of her heroics.  While we were standing, awestruck, there was a massive rumble from the mountain, we for a second thought we were going to witness an avalanche on Angel Glacier.  Alas we did not.

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